Cynthia Boehm

Cynthia Boehm - Cree Artist
Norway House Cree Nation
Main Classification
Beadwork / Quillwork
Classification #2
Classification #3

SWAIA Booth History

Summer 2024
POG 124
Winter 2024
Portfolio Example & Artist Statement
Cynthia Boehm

My work is influenced by my great grandmother and my Cree ancestors beadwork. Researching historical ancestral beadwork in museum archives, private collections and replicating my great grandmothers exquisite beaded gauntlets that are over 80 years old. The research and replica work has inspired and motivated me to work in traditional historical forms and methods of my Cree ancestors by using home tan smoked hides, antique beads, and the overlay two-needle beading technique embroidered onto fabrics. My floral beading is started in the most centre of each flower working towards each pedal outline and beading inward connecting buds, berries, leaves with vines. I work with traditional home tan hides and wools.

2024 Portfolio

View the artist's portfolio for this year.
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