Daniel Madalena

Joshua Madalena
Pueblo of Jemez
Main Classification
Classification #2
Classification #3

SWAIA Booth History

Summer 2024
WA E 416
Winter 2024
Portfolio Example & Artist Statement
Daniel Madalena

The clays and slip have been located and the secrets of painting and firing techniques have been rediscovered. These techniques have been most difficult to recover, since there are no modern traditions that maintained the secrets of high temperature organic pit-firing. The paint, made of plant extracts, soak into the vessel surface before firing. The painted decorations must survive the high temperatures, leaving a design of black carbon trapped within the polished surface of this special white slip. The success of this process depends on controlling the availability of oxygen around the vessel during the high-temperature organic pit-firing. Every pot is hand coiled and hand painted; every piece goes through the ancient processes. All materials used to successfully create a vessel are from the land, all natural ingrediants.

2024 Portfolio

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