Herman Smith, Sr.

Herman Smith, Sr. Navajo Silversmith
Navajo Nation
Main Classification
Classification #2
Classification #3

SWAIA Booth History

Summer 2024
FR N 325
Winter 2024
Portfolio Example & Artist Statement
Herman Smith, Sr.

The techniques I use have been passed down many generations from my grandpa Glen Attakai, Sr. My grandpa was one of the first silversmiths in the Red Rock/Breadsprings Navajo community. This method includes hand stamping with various tools, stamps, sand casting, and hammer work. I primarily use silver, gold, spiny oyster, coral, easter blue turquoise, and sleeping beauty turquoise for my materials. My techniques are not limited to just silver work but also gold smithing. This includes gold casting, gold stamping, and gold inlays. I draw the patterns on the silver and use limited measuring tools to create my intrinsic designs. My symmetrical stamp work, which I have been using for over 30 years, has helped me become a master of my craft. My inspirations come from the wildlife elements that surround me. From the hummingbirds that come during the early mornings to the butterflies that come with the springtime. I hope to add to the traditions of silversmithing with my own unique style.

2024 Portfolio

View the artist's portfolio for this year.
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