Jaida Grey Eagle

Jaida Grey Eagle
Oglala Lakota Sioux
Main Classification
Beadwork / Quillwork
Classification #2
Classification #3

SWAIA Booth History

Summer 2024
PAL N 243
Winter 2024
Portfolio Example & Artist Statement
Jaida Grey Eagle

I create beaded adornments inspired by my family, and our ties to the land and water. I have been taught how to carry stories through my beadwork, and use them as storytelling devices to continue on our ways of life through our work. I never knew life without creating while growing up, the art of beadwork and quillwork was deeply imbedded in our home and I have come to know this as a blessing. Being surrounded by creativity and conversations about materials, inspiration, color, and traditions created a beautiful life of creation and storytelling. It brings me incredible joy to create work that resonates with others. I'm so often entranced by color, texture, stories, and light, and beadwork is how I'm able to capture the way I see the world. Originally I started to make work that was bold because I wanted to feel braver, and louder in this world that makes me feel like I have to be quiet. I’m so honored to be able to share that feeling of confidence through my work with others.

2024 Portfolio

View the artist's portfolio for this year.
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