Johnathan Naranjo

Johnathan Naranjo
Santa Clara Pueblo
Main Classification
Classification #2
Classification #3

SWAIA Booth History

Summer 2024
SFT E 531
Winter 2024
Portfolio Example & Artist Statement
Johnathan Naranjo

Santa Clara Pueblo pottery artist who likes to display the essence and beauty of Pueblo Native life in the Southwest. Traditional materials and techniques are used to create my artwork. Clay is collected from the hills of Santa Clara Pueblo. Soaked in water and sieved to filter out sticks and rocks. Clay is transformed into mud and condensed. Mixed with volcanic ash, which is also collected from the hills nearby, provides elasticity and temper agent for firing. All my work is hand formed using a clay coiling, pinch and pull technique. Sanded to smooth and balance after dried. A red rock slip + water mixture is applied to the surface and rubbed with a smooth river stone to create a polished surface sheen. Outdoor pit fired using metal tins and cedar wood to manipulate heat, fire and color coverage. The final step of the process is using a sharp blade/knife to carve, scrape, and design using a Sgraffito technique to display pueblo life and wildlife.

2024 Portfolio

View the artist's portfolio for this year.
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