Naomi Calabaza

Naomi L. Calabaza
Santo Domingo Pueblo
Main Classification
Beadwork / Quillwork
Classification #2
Classification #3

SWAIA Booth History

Summer 2024
PAL S 211
Winter 2024
Portfolio Example & Artist Statement
Naomi Calabaza

Take the threaded sewing needle in your right hand. You are going to use the design on the underside to see where to tack down the beads. Your beads are placed on one thread and will be tacked down by the other thread. Lay beads along a line on your design. If it is a straight line you can tack down 2 beads at a time. If you are going around a curve on your design, you can tack down 1 to 2 beads at a time. Take the threaded sewing needle in your right hand and from the bottom, push up after the 2nd bead. It may take a few pokes to come up right where you need to be because you are working from the design on the bottom. Pull the thread all the way through the pellon stabilizer until you come to the knot. Your thread will be after the 2nd bead on one side of the bead thread. To tack down the beads, put your needle on the other side of the bead thread and pull all the way through the pellon. You now have a little stitch holding the first 2 beads down.

2024 Portfolio

View the artist's portfolio for this year.
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