Roger Broer

Roger Broer
Oglala Lakota
Main Classification
Classification #2
Classification #3

SWAIA Booth History

Summer 2024
PAL N 232
Winter 2024
Portfolio Example & Artist Statement
Roger Broer

When I set out to accomplish a work I usually start with a title, which may be just a word or a statement, fragments of my direction, clues of my intent.I have over my lifetime of making art, worked in many media including ceramics, jewelry, sculpture, direct oil, and printmaking, specifically modified versions of monotype, a printmaking technique, using oil paints instead of printer’s inks and a Plexiglas plate in place of the press, hand burnishing for greater control.How a work is accomplished is of little consequence when considering if the end result is insightful and honest. My final intent is to be, in some way, stimulating to my audience. In general, I know the work I do is probably going to be understood by only a few. Occasionally my work is funny in an entertaining way. Sometimes it is a little dark, viscerally personal. I use imagery containing bird or animal figures, usually replacing human form, symbolically drawing on Lakota culture.

2024 Portfolio

View the artist's portfolio for this year.
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