Talia Quandelacy

Talia M Quandelacy
Pueblo of Zuni
Main Classification
Classification #2
Classification #3

SWAIA Booth History

Summer 2024
PAL S 254
Winter 2024
Portfolio Example & Artist Statement
Talia Quandelacy

I am a Zuni fetish carver, who draws on techniques and styles developed by my family to create corn maidens, a variety of animals of cultural significance (bears, eagles, parrot), and more contemporary animals inspired by my life experiences and travels. I use a variety of materials to create my carvings, including stabilized Kingman turquoise, Picasso marble, Baltic and Dominican amber, fossilized walrus ivory, and other hard semi-precious stones. I use power tools and Dremel wheels to shape the stones, and add details, and include other techniques such as sgraffito to add texture to the pieces. Pieces are inlaid with other semi-precious stones, including jet, turquoise, malachite, red and pink coral, and lapis.

2024 Portfolio

View the artist's portfolio for this year.
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